Milkiwean  - Total piglet performance solution

Trouw Nutrition’s platform of piglet feed solutions is designed for total piglet performance. We understand the multiple challenges faced by pigs on a daily basis.

Our approach

Are you facing health challenges, performance issues, or economic constraints when raising your nursery pigs?

Milkiwean, the Trouw Nutrition solution for piglet nutrition from day one, accelerates the development of the digestive system, ensuring continuous feed intake, improving digestibility and safeguarding immune competence for the best possible results. 

Our offering

Milkiwean offers the best possible beginning to piglets through three different feeding programmes, customisable to your barn and management: 

Milkiwean Efficient Start

Milkiwean Efficient Start supports your piglets’ health development with maximum productivity and minimum wastage, so you can enjoy higher ROI and continuously grow your business.

Milkiwean Efficient Start offers:  

  • Improved feed efficiency by 6%  
  • Reduced cost/kg of gain by 10%  
  • Technology that can react to a volatile ingredients market  
  • An easy-to-use product portfolio  

Milkiwean Best Start

Designed for pig producers who aim for top performance and higher farm throughput.  

Milkiwean Best Start offers: 

  • Higher growth and feed intake 
  • Higher exit weights and improved uniformity 
  • High level of digestible nutrients 
  • Increased nutrient density  

Milkiwean Vital Start

Milkiwean Vital Start feeding programme is designed for pig producers who would like to optimally support their piglets' development during the complex weaning process.

A healthier start in piglets’ lives allows for more vital animals and higher welfare, as well as for a more sustainable production, with reduced reliance on antimicrobials and at the same time equal or improved animal health and farm profitability.