Good milk production, that’s what it’s all about! Good milk production, that’s what it’s all about!

Dairy cow performance

Farmers can influence the herd’s milk production performance by managing the feeding, housing, and nurturing of cows, in order to get the best balance between yield and longevity. Trouw Nutrition will support you in reaching your milk production performance goals. 

Influencing cow milk production performance

Our Trouw Nutrition-developed NutriOpt dairy model and extensive R&D knowledge make it possible to steer milk, fat, and protein production, resulting in products and services that are ready to use on the farm and ensure effective diet management.

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Optimizing lifetime daily yield

To optimize lifetime daily yield, it is important to focus on three key areas:

  • Age at first calving (LifeStart), preferably to fall between the 22nd and 24th month of a cow’s life
  • Milk production (cow production potential): supporting the dairy cow’s adaptation to a lactating state without excessive metabolic stress
  • Longevity (animal health and welfare), with the aim of reducing early involuntary culling rates during the first 100 days in milk

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Feed, silage, and total mixed rations management

To manage a cow’s nutritional intake, it’s important to ensure predictable dry matter intake by providing high-quality silage (through good conservation practices and preventing mycotoxin colonization); avoid heating; and arrange good mixing order and time (avoid sorting).

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Do you need more information?

HealthyLife dairy research shows that when the balance between production level and longevity is properly managed, it can strongly reduce involuntary culling and increase both longevity and profitability on your dairy farm.

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