Program-based approach to poultry nutrition and production
We have assembled a poultry research team comprised of highly skilled research scientists, research technicians, and trained farm technicians who focus on the development and validation of innovative nutritional solutions to address the needs of our broiler, broiler-breeder, and laying hen producer partners.
Research areas cover a broad range of industry issues including nutrition (feed), management (farm), and health, intended to develop a program-based approach to sustainable poultry production.
Basic and applied research studies are being conducted to:
- Create nutritional solutions for sustainable, healthy poultry growth while reducing the reliance on antibiotics
- Improve early life nutrition during the first four crucial days after chickens hatch with solutions such as ChickCare
- Explore the split-feeding concept, in which the feed composition fed to the laying hens differs in the morning from the evening in order to meet more precisely the nutrient requirements of the hen during the egg formation cycle. A great example of sustainable precision nutrition with better performance of laying hens and reduced emission of nitrogen and phosphorus into the environment